Avon offices are OPEN for the following hours:
Hollywood: 7:00AM-1:00 PM Mon-Sun
Santa Monica: 7:00AM-1:00 PM Mon-Sun
Beverly Hills: 7:00AM-1:00 PM Mon-Sun
Burbank: Temporarily Closed

- Rental process can be completed electronically
- Confidence in a safe and fast rental
- Minimized person-to-person interaction
- Touchless interaction whenever possible

- Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Practice social distancing
- Employee temperature is taken at beginning of shift
- Sick employees remain home

- Every vehicle cab and box interior is thoroughly disinfected with a product that meets the EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2. Near-immediate 99.9999% effective.
- Tamper seal is placed on vehicle door post-disinfection so you know nobody has been in the vehicle.
- Complimentary disinfection of vehicles parked overnight

- Final disinfection performed for delivered vehicles
- Workplace frequently touched objects cleaned and disinfected with antiviral disinfectant
- Hand sanitizers at all locations to encourage hand hygiene
More information about our Cleaning Agent
- Avon’s cleaning agent is an EPA registered, broad spectrum disinfectant that has been laboratory and field-proven effective on MSRA and other hospitals “superbugs”, yet is safe for use around our children, our elderly, and our pets.
- Avon’s cleaning agent active ingredient (dissolved chlorine dioxide gas) is known for its destructive properties against health-threatening viruses and bacteria yet is completely environmentally friendly. It can be stored at room temperature for 35 days or up to 5 months in refrigeration.